Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hill Billy Claire

A few Saturdays ago we had our first (and probably not last) trip to the emergency room with Claire. She was climbing up the back of a dining chair and then fell backwards and it hit her square in the mouth. She lost three teeth (her two front/top ones and one next to it). After visiting the pediatric dentist he informed me that because she lost them so early, her permanent teeth will not come in until she is 8 or 9 years old! She is fully recovered, but I think I will be in mourning for quite sometime...I guess at least she is on her way to becoming an excellent rock climber!


Julie Miller said...

That makes my teeth hurt! I'm glad you survived it as well, so scary!

Brenna said...

Hill Billy Claire is even cuter in person! It was so good to see you. I miss you again already!

Natalie said...

I'm so glad you posted pictures of this! I think I would not know what to do if that happened...we have yet to have a trip to the ER...knock on wood!